Peace Of Mind


PEACE OF MIND X MBT was conceptualised in order to simplify the very complex task of truly understanding oneself. Indeed, it is almost impossible to do such a thing, as the human brain and associated emotions are so sophisticated… so

many moving parts tend to be involved. However, reductionism with the common goal of achieving holism has been shown to be quite effective. In other words, sometimes breaking things down into compartments, as opposed to solely looking at

“The Bigger Picture” may allow for mental and emotional discovery to be more digestible. This is by no means rocket science, but sometimes it takes hearing it, to process it. As a result, the obviously bolded PEA in POM x MBT provides a

template for this.

PEA represents the three pillars :



Awareness (mental)

used by POM x MBT in mental and emotional growth and development. They provide a multifaceted template or channel through which one is capable of discovering themselves. Just like a pea, if one works hard at nurturing these facets, one

can expect it to bloom and bear fruit - positive self growth and development physically, mentally, emotionally and otherwise. This subsequently improves emotional intelligence and meta-emotion for others, as well as oneself.


Physical activity in its simplest form helps with improving and maintaining health and wellbeing. This pillar seeks to promote healthy physical habits. It seeks to educate and offer insight into different training styles, important information on

recovery, such as rehabilitative exercises and treatments, as well as self improving and sustaining practices to create and maintain a healthy and bulletproofed body.


Expression is considered to be the act of making known one’s thoughts and feelings. Therefore, it is heavily influenced by emotion. This pillar seeks to bring to surface activities (non-physical) that one enjoys or has enjoyed in the past. The

reason for this, is due to addictive personalities overtraining as a means of emotional comfort and distraction/escapism. Don’t get me wrong, the endorphins feel good, the rush feels good, pushing your body to its absolute limits feels good,

switching off for an hour feels good, and these are valid reasons to exercise. However, there is often an inadequacy with recovery, as well as an inadequacy in confronting unpleasant truths, truths that need to be addressed; and there is only so

long you can run for. As a society we are actually quite scared of the fluffy emosh stuff, we avoid feelings at all costs. This pillar encourages pursuing passions, things we probably loved doing when we were younger like playing an instrument,

or things we wish to learn like baking, or reading or something… idk. The idea is, if you can connect with activities you enjoy, activities that make you feel full inside, activities that make you laugh (when’s the last time you had a good laugh?)

and not necessarily those that provide the physical rush, it makes you more emotionally aware, available and subsequently more emotionally intelligent. This will hopefully allow easier implementation of these new skills in those really low, dark

and difficult issues you keep running from.


Awareness is all about the mental. Just like ‘E’. I can only make suggestions. This pillar seeks to encourage introspection and internal conversation. It’s crazy how talking something through or thinking out aloud could change your perspective on

things. Interestingly, it appears not many people engage in dialogue with themselves - so definitely won’t do it with someone else, particularly if it concerns anything mental or emotional. ‘A’ seeks to promote practices such as meditation,

mindfulness etc., but also seeks to provide abstract pieces, quotes, thoughts that allow for subjective interpretation and processing. It seeks to get you thinking. Thinking about how you feel about a certain thing and why you feel the way you feel

about it. A simple response to those questions may easily change your perspective on whatever you’re trying to process, or it may not. However, in reasoning through it, your justifications should allow you to assess how you truly feel.

In concluding, I am using POM x MBT as a guide for the content I put forward on my social media platforms. This is with the hope that it allows you to recognise things you enjoy, things you hold dear to you and to encourage you to pursue things

you’ve been curious about trying that may help you lead a more conscious life. It’s definitely no one-size-fits-all kind of tool, but is worth giving a shot. Simplicity is underrated.


Marvin Blake